sunnuntai 23. elokuuta 2015

Et ole poissa vaan luoksemme saavut, mukana jokaisen nousevan aamun ja jokaisen tummuvan illan myötä, toivotat meille hyvää yötä

Lensit tähtiin valos nähtiin, eikä nähty oo kirkkaampaa. Eilen oli mun tädin Ammin hautajaiset. Oli pitkä päivä, enkä oo koskaan itkeny niin paljon ;((( Toivon niin niin niiiin paljon että Ammilla on nyt hyvä olla ja että mikään ei huoleta sitä. Ukki sanoo että se viestittelee Ammin kanssa tähdillä, ja uskon sen, koska kun vilkutin niin tähti vilkutti takaisin <3
Ammin haudalla on paljon kukkalaitteita ja niiden muistolauseita ja tänään  valkoinen risti.
Muistelen Ammia paljon, ja se oli tosi ihana ihminen<3 Se tykkäs tosi paljo ihmisistä, auttamisesta ja musiikista, ja sen kanssa oli tosi hauskaa. Ikävä on suuri, mutta uskon täysin että Ammi kattoo meitä tuolta ylhäältä ja joku päivä, me kaikki nähdään uudestaan hänet<3

maanantai 17. elokuuta 2015

Sekavaa mutta asiaa täynnä olevaa tekstiä

Kirjotan nyt ennenku mun aika loppuu, eli teen läksyt ja meen sit Nealle, taino varmaa meen, mut ainaki alan sitä. En ikinä haluu olla meillä, koska meillä on tylsää. Nean luona on tosi hauskaa. Sitäpaitsi Nealla on sims,jossa on meijän oct Roy ja Chad..Joita shipataan ja välillä oikeesti kuollaan nauruun, kun sims on aiga läppä ja ne tekee läppii juttui. Oh god sitä pelatessa me varmaa kuollaa joku päivä:D

Kerron nyt koulusta:Eli mul menee tosi hyvin. Keskityn lähes vistigli(täydellisesti) ja teen kaiken tarvittavan kunnolla. Kun vaan on aktiivinen tunnilla, tekee aina läksyt, lukee kokeeseen ja saa hyvii numeroita niin kyllä se siitä. Oon vaan niin ilonen, kun oon taas saanu koulumotivaation takas!
Mut luokkalaisille en puhu paljoo, vaan kaiken tarvittavan, koska en keksi mitään muuta. Onha se tietty aika inhottavaa ku meijän koulus on monta monta monta mun entistä tosi hyvää kamuu, ja nyt ku ne on mua kohtaan välinpitämättömii ja niil on tosi hauskaa niitten uusien kamujen kanssa. Kai saan syyttää itteeniki. Ja oon kai vaan sit niin erilainen kun ne, siis nykyään. Esim ekalla, tokalla ja no melkeen koko ala-asteella kaikki oli oikeestaan tosi samalaisii, mutta nyt ihmiset on suunillee seiskasta asti muuttunu tosi paljon.

Musta tuntuu ettei kukaan lue tätä, mutta kirjotan tätä myös ihan itteeni varten tavallaan, niiku pkta kun tänne voi laittaa kuviaki :D

Paras työ ois missä sais piirtää, suunitella, kirjottaa ja ehkä jotaki musiikkiinki liittyvää ja/tai peliala

Sain just inspiksen, et voisin tehä jonkun hahmon, varsiki joku eläin jonka tekisin mielikuvituksellisesti ja jota jaksasin hoitaa/jutella joka pv (esim. Joo, tuntuu itestäkin tosi tosi hämärältä ja melkeen mielenvikaselta :D Toisalta luin, et joku kirjailija teki silleen, et se lähti juna matkalle, meni yöks hotelliin tms tulevien hahmojensa kanssa, niin että se sai tietää niistä lähes kaiken. Ja kyseinen tyyppi oli ihan normaali kirjailija. En voi sanoo muutaku et siiistii!! Ja tuli tosta mieleen et olis iha sairaan siistii, joskus tavallaan ettii omille hahmoille näyttelijät. Okeii myönnän et joskus on joissakin ihmisissä on sellasii piirteitä kun esim.mun hahmoissa, ja sillon oon sillee "OOOO PAKKO TUTUSTUU TOHON JA FÄGDFHJIKNF" Mut en tietenkää viitti mennä silleen "Anteeks, sä näytät vähän mun oclta, joten MUN ON PAKKOOOO TUTUSTUU SUHUN" Okeiii taian alkaa kohta tekee läksyi :D

Oispa meil tulostin :i

Muistin just, et mulla on se oma kieli Spikia..Vaikka ite sanonki niiiiiin se on iha sairaanhyvä, ja siitä syystä oon taas alkau opettelee sitä uudestaan ja tekee uusii sanoi. 2014 kesällä käytin sitä aika paljo. Se on vähä niiku ruotsin ja enkun ja vähä suomenki tyylinen.

Täs pari esimerkkii:
Wim ing karar av elgon, men dagen mon jurda roller ij lats wran, der ad wim nida kran.
Laulusta, eli:En välitä muusta mutta päivät jotka maapallo rullaa radallaan, luonas kai olla saan.

Lötill fra wij, ve ing jot stagar. Handra wim len kvetla fra dij, wim andra trav dor. 
eli vastatkaa minulle, ja älkää vain ohittako. Vaikka minä olen hiljainen teille, minäkin tarvitsen huomiota.

Ingglader len vistig
Kukaan ei ole täydellinen,

Oon ollu viime päivinä tosi luova, koska päätän olla laisga pasga en jaksa laittaa kuvii mut voin sanoo et ainaki mun Devasta löytyy. DEE DEE DEVASTA LÖYTYY

Läpi oksien oijoijoijoijoiii

P.s tuntuu oudolta kirjottaa tänne suomeks, koska netissä kaikkialla muulla oon tottunu englantiin.

Se miten kaikki mun luokkalaiset kattoo mua

((c)Margo Dunne Gone girl)

tiistai 11. elokuuta 2015


Huomenna kouluu ;(( En oo yhtää yhtää innoissani. En nyt viitti kauheena kertoo, mut mun luokkalaisista ei ikinä tiiä minkälaisia ne on mua kohtaan ;(( OIKEESTI ITKEN! Ja sit pitää lopettaa myöhään valvominen, ja aamusin pitä taas herätä joskus 7 tai 8 aikaan.

Katoin täs Gone Girlin...IHA MAHTAVA :3 Se kesti kaks ja puoli tuntii  ja keskityin kuiteki iha täysillä. Se oli niiiiiiiiii hyvä! En viitti spoilata, mut se oli jännä. Ja sen ansiosta aloin tykkää ainaki Carrie Coonista, mut se on enemmänki teatteri näyttelijä ;( Se esitti Margo Dunnea, Nick Dunnen kaksoissiskoo. Kirjotin niistäki lyhye fanficin hehe.

 Toivosin ja jossaki vähä luvattiinki, että tulis Gone Girlistä jatko-osa, ja sit siihe oltiin jo mietitty mitä siinä vois/saattas tapahtuu.

Oon tehny aika paljo kaikkee..Kirjottanu ja piirtäny ja tehny quoteja. Ja sit tein sellasii "paperi nukkei"Näytin jo sen Balloon Boyn. Esim oon kirjottanu Emilie (Tim Burton oc) tapaa Emilyn.
Haluisin laittaa sen sinne fanfic sivustolle, mut en oikei tajuu mite ja pelkään että teen sen väärin :D
Voin laittaa tänne sen, jos tätä kukaan lukee ja jos ne jaksaa lukee sen ja osaa ku se on enkuks.
Mutta tässä pari biirustusta, kerraki jaksoin taas piirtää tabulla, ja mikä tärkeintä:Käyttää näihi tarkkuuta ja aikaa, oikeestaa paljo enemmä ku yleensä:
Wandering Lucia, jonka tarina viel keske.

Täs nää "paperinuket"Eli Krazy Kristen
Ja mun Oc Roy jonka keskeneräistä kuvaa en viiti laittaa tänne

Tää on Stella. Sen omistajan löytää instasta:@cp_stella
Piirsin siis fanartii. 

perjantai 7. elokuuta 2015

Mood right now

I just feel now that I can't really do anything right..
I want to be more known in some social medias, like Tumblr, blogger,twitter,deviantart Too many to say. But I guess I just have nothing to give for this world.

Emilie Van Dort meets a Mysterious woman

Emilie Van Dort and the myster woman.
"And then what grandpa?" Emilie asked and stood up from her bed. "Then it was time for little girls to go to sleep" William Van Dort said and stood up. "Okay grandpa" Emilie said and lied down again. When William was leaving, Emilie remembered:"Grandpa, goodnight kiss!" 
William came back from the door. "Right Emilie" He said and kissed Emilie's forehead. "Goodnight now little girl" "No, I am a big girl" Emilie laughed. "Right" William laughed too. "But still, goodnight" He continued, walked to the door and closed it. 

Emilie couldn't sleep. She turned around, and again and again. She started feeling nervous. Soon she got up and walked to her room's window. Dad had always told her that "If you can't sleep, just go and look out of the window" Emilie realized that she was too short, so she had to get the little chair that was next to her bed. With it, she reached and looked out to see the town, covered in snow. Emilie liked snow. Snow was so bright and beautiful...Something was ,moving in the snow. "What?" Emilie asked and leaned closer to the window.Yes, she saw right. Something was indeed moving there. Emilie was amazed, she looked it for awhile when the thing there looked like it was slowly dancing. Emilie's mouth opened. The dancing snow started coming closer. Emilie saw it wasn't just snow. It was a woman, a dancing woman and she was coming closer to Emilie's home. Emilie got scared a bit.Still she stayed there, but the woman had suddenly disappeared. Emilie thought that she must be really tired. She was about to jump to the floor from the chair to go to sleep, when someone knocked the window. It was weird because Emilie's room was upstairs. When she looked, she saw the woman. She was floating and a weird glow was around her. She looked down, but when Emilie looked at her, she looked back. Emilie gasped. Cold wind opened the window and the woman floated into Emilie's room. Then she landed on the floor, next to Emilie. "Hello..Who are you? "Hello child, don't be afraid, I am not going to do anything bad. My name is Emily" Emily had a white long curly hair, a blue dress and pale skin. "Hey, it's like my name!" Emilie said with excitement. She wasn't so scared anymore. "Yes, we share almost the same name" Emily laughed. "I came here to meet you, I am an old friend of your dad" She told with a sweet voice. "Are you like an angel?" Emilie asked. "Umm yes I am an angel" Emily comfirmed. "But I am sorry, I came on a bad time cause you should go to sleep now, let's keep this as our secret, don't tell your mom and dad, I will meet them soon" Emily said and placed her thin hand on Emilie's shoulder and took her to bed. "Can we talk about cats? You seem really nice Emily" Emilie said and Emily put the blanket on her. "Yes for awhile" Emily promised and stared telling about the cat she used to have when she was aa young as Emilie. Emilie listened carefully but it didnt take along until she qaas breating silently in sleep. Emily smiled and touched Emilie's cheek "Goodnight" Then she floated away throught the window.
When Emilie woke up the next morning, she remembered immediately what had happened to her last night. She had met a really nice woman with almost the same name as hers. When his dad Victor came to hrr room, Emilie was smilinf wide. She had a secret that shw woont tell anyone. And maybe, she would see Emily again.

torstai 21. toukokuuta 2015

maanantai 11. toukokuuta 2015

Creepypasta: Drawer Sam

Sam sat on the floor. In front of him he had paper, pencils, and crayons.
He was gonna draw a rainbow for his mom, before she comes home.  He took a pencil, and a paper.  He placed the paper in front of him, and he started to draw the lines of the rainbow. When he had done that, he wanted to color it.  He took the blue crayon, The rainbow was so big, that he decided to draw two times each color. When he had colored carefully the blue parts, he took purple, and then yellow, and then green, and then orange. He wanted to add many colors. But when he reached for the red crayon, he couldn't find it from the crayon box. He rose up, and walked around the whole house, he looked every corner and closet, and under everything. But the red crayon was missing. Sam got a bit upset, he sat back to the floor where he had the rainbow. He couldn't finish it without red.  
After sitting for a while  he remembered where he could have red. Why didn't he realize it immediately.  He went to kitchen. He took a chair, he placed it to the right place under the high closet. He stepped on the chair, and from the chair, he stepped on the oven.He opened the closet.

He grabbed the biggest knife he could find. He went back to the living room. He sat again. 
With full of hope he stabbed his finger, Blood started running down. Sam took it with his other finger, and started coloring the red parts of the rainbow. But really quickly the blood stopped coming. Sam thought that he didn't get enough red from his finger.He wanted to get more of it. He liked the color, it was perfect, much better than the red from the crayons. This rainbow was gonna be his best drawing. But he just needed more red. He put the knife to his eye, he slowly pushed the knife inside his eye. He sliced his eye quickly. He didn't get much red. He put the knife more inside, and more and more. He started feeling pain in his eye, and head.But he put the knife more inside. He started slicing. He thought he would just take so much red he needed, he was sure his eye was gonna cure someday. He finally got red. It started to run down his cheek, and down his clothes. to his green bunny shirt, then to his blue jeans. Sam took blood to his finger and started to color again. Now he got enough red.Put the blood didn't stop coming, Sam thought he could stop it with a plaster like mom always did if he fell, and the red started coming. He went to bathroom, and reached the plaster from the closet that had red cross on it. He found one with Mickey mouse on it. he put the plaster to the corner of his eye. But immediately it got wet of the blood and it kept running again. Sam got scared. Now he had too much red. His clothes were all over it. Sam was gonna go back to the floor but he slipped to the blood that was on the toilet, he fell with the knife, he had taken without noticing. He fell on his hand, the knife sank to his other, not bleeding left eye.  The eye burst immediately and started to bleed like a waterfall. Sam felt horrible pain, he couldn't see with the eye anymore. But with the other bleeding eye, he saw all the red coming from his broken eye. "Too much red!!" "Daad!!!"" Sam yelled. His dad was sleeping upstairs. "Daad!" "All red comes out from me!" He lied on the bloody bathroom floor. His blond hair, his green bunny shirt, his jeans, all were covered in blood. Sam reached for the knife, he couldn't get up, he felt dizzy. He got the knife. He thought he could get rid of the bleeding, broken eye. He cut the eye vessels. But more red kept coming out now. "Daaddd!!" Sam screamed from his lungs. "Daad!". His dad ran down the stairs."Sam, what's wrong!! Where are you?!" "I am at the bathroom, Dad, I feel bad, Dad too much red....I just wanted to draw a beautiful rainbow!..." His dad opened the bathroom door. He didn't know what was waiting, when he saw it, he almost fainted. His 5-years old son was lying on the bathroom floor in blood, without his other eye. "Sam...Sam what happened??" "I just wanted to have..." Sam's sentence stopped. The blood just kept running from his eye socket. David knew that Sam would bleed to death. He ran upstairs to get his phone. He put the number 911, Immediately a woman answered. "911 What is your emergency?" David ran back to the bathroom. He grabbed a hand towel he started to press Sam's eye and eye socket to get the bleeding to stop. At the same time he yelled to the phone "I found ....My son...Lying on the bathroom floor, he doesn't have his left eye....I don't know what happened...He is all covered in blood...He fainted...He can die...!! The woman told David to tell their address. When David did, the woman told to wait for the ambulance. "What can they do?? Are they fast enough?" David pressed the bloody towel harder against Sam's eye socket and eye. It felt like forever, but the ambulance finally came...

Sam's mom Jenny opened the door and stepped in. It was quiet. Jenny walked trough the hallway to the living room. She saw her son sitting in the middle of the room. He was coloring something. Like he always did, he was always drawing, or coloring.
"Sam mom is home" Jenny said.  
When Sam turned, Jenny shocked. Sam didn't have eyes at all, just black sockets,and blood ran slowly down from them. Sam's skin was almost blue, but a bit of his skull showed from the sockets. "Hello mom, I drew you this" Sam ran to his shocked,gasping mother. "It's a rainbow! You like rainbows mom.This red here is so beautiful, It shines more than the other colors!"